Free 1 hour In-house Talk
No matter how competent a person is, they will not have sustained and lasting success unless they can effectively lead themselves, influence, engage and collaborate with others and continuously improve and renew their capabilities.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a proven individual effectiveness operating system. Participants develop increased maturity, greater productivity, and the ability to manage themselves. They will come away with the ability to execute critical priorities with laser-like focus and careful planning. The 7 Habits is also a proven team effectiveness operating system. Participants increase team engagement, morale, and collaboration. Teams come away with improved skills in communication and relationship building.
Express your interest to know more about The 7 Habits here. We will contact you to schedule a one-hour talk with your teachers.
《高效能人士的7個習慣》是被認證為有效的個人高效系統。 實踐7個習慣的人變得更成熟、生產力更高和更有效地自我管理。 他們能專注、仔細地計劃和執行至關重要的優先事項。 7個習慣也是一個被認證為有效的團隊協作系統。 實踐7個習慣的人能提高團隊參與度、士氣和協作。 團隊在溝通和建立關係方面的技能得到了提升。
如想讓老師認識7個習慣,請按這裡登記。 我們將聯繫你,以安排一小時的入校講座。

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